It’s winter and the markets are citrus full. I’ve been wanting to preserve lemons for a while now and I finally did.
I took the best looking lemons of the bunch I bought at the market on Saturday. Washed them and rubbed off any blemishes. Then I cut off the ends or stems and cut down about 3/4 of the way in a cross to quarter them but leave the base intact.
I put about a tablespoon of Kosher salt in the bottom of a jar and then poured salt inside the quartered lemons. Then I shoved, and I mean shoved, the lemons in the jar so that the salt would mix with the lemon juice. Once the jar was full, I squeezed a few lemons to fill the jar with juice and sprinkled some more Kosher salt on the top.

Supposedly in three weeks I’ll have preserved lemons and we can try some Moroccan dishes. Fingers crossed.