Friday, June 15, 2007

Tango at Ideal

Yes, I have become a tango junkie. Here's a video of the latest outing with Chuck and Kathe. I danced this time. The first partner was 94 years old. They got younger as the night got older.


Anonymous said...

A singular place on the globe Ain't nothin' like it

Inspirosity said...

You got that right again! It's magical and melancholic at the same time. Personally, I'm avoiding all things melancholic nowadays. I have to go to the milongas where the dancing is more like an aerobic workout. I'll let you know when I get there.

Elizabeth Brinton said...

Thanks for the tasty little tidbit of La Ideal. We are going to BA soon for the first time.
I am just discovering your blog, and I especially enjoy the entry about cab drivers. I often learn from them especially in Oaxaca, where I feel like I can be relaxed and try out my limited language skills.

Inspirosity said...

Elizabeth you're going to love Buenos Aires. The weather is getting warmer and there are more and more evnts filling up the calendar. Plus, people here are really gracious when it comes to understanding "limited Spanish." Thanks for visiting my blog and hope you have a great trip!