Las Canitas is my new neighborhood. These are my friends Gonzalo and Naty on my first night in the new pad. When I first came here I thought it was too trendy for me. It's almost like the South Beach of Buenos Aires. It has layers though. While it's not a barrio barrio, it's definitely a curious place. Dog walkers, joggers, those who weed through the trash looking for cardboard or bottles or whatever else they might be able to sell, polo players, beautiful people sitting in corner cafes, and three sushi restaurants on my street alone. This is a far cry from my last two homes--downtown Buenos Aires and Zamalek in Cairo.
Sure, there are things I miss about the other two places. I miss the chaos sometimes. And although it feels like I've sold out by not waiting until I found an apartment in the more bohemian quarter, San Telmo , the green trees and fresh air here more than make up for the plastic breasts and sculpted bodies I share the streets with.